You only say that cause no one ever has...

You only say that cause no one ever has...

Friday, September 10, 2010

My visit with an author

Last week I drove four hours to and from St. Louis to see an author. I love her books and really enjoyed listening to her speak. The entire night was memorable. She had a trivia challenge and being the extremely competitive person that I am, I won one of the two prizes, an advanced reader copy of Zombies vs Unicorns (oh yeah!). She signed all my copies of her books and we even had time to chat while she was signing them.

Here is where the bad part of the night came about. Yes, I got to speak with her but could I think of anything to say? No.

She didn't even ask a difficult question. Just asked what books had I read recently.

Now I read constantly. It is an integral part of my life. It is like breathing. I don't think I could go a day without reading. I generally read at least a book a day. So why couldn't I come up with an answer? Why did I stand there staring like a deer in headlights? I think I finally babbled something about Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins, but I can't really be sure.

I don't do well coming up with responses on the spot. I like being able to think things through and answer with the utmost honesty and truth, so I was extremely disappointed with myself for not coming up with a response. I hate this part of myself. I loved drama and forensics in school and even lettered in high school. I have to admit thought that the events I competed in were all scripted. I did dramatic prose, duets, and one act plays. I hated improv. I never wanted to compete it and when my teacher made me I always felt like an idiot standing there trying to force it and feeling as though nothing made sense.

After having almost a week to think about the answer I could list off dozens of books. Heck even on the ride home I came up with numerous titles I could have given her. In fact I even have a whole blog written about the books I read and why.

So knowing this about myself what can I do? Not much. Try to break through the shyness or just give an answer no matter how it may sound and be my dorky self I guess. :)

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