You only say that cause no one ever has...

You only say that cause no one ever has...

Monday, September 20, 2010

Ban This!

I will start this out by saying I have not read Speak, although NOW I fully intend to.

I believe that banning books is wrong. It goes against everything I believe. I believe in freedom of speech and I see banning as a violation of that. I know that others would argue with me about that saying that the book has already been published so the author’s rights haven’t actually been violated. Yes, I understand that but taking the book out of circulation and not making it readily available seems to me to go against that right.

Let me back up a little and give some background. There is a minister, Wesley Scroggins, attempting to have a book by the name of Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson banned in his county. He claims the book is pornographic. I am really sad since this is happening in my home state of Missouri.

Now I am a Christian and I do understand where he is coming from. As a parent I chose to homeschool my children so I could guide them in a way that we feel is moral and I feel that school districts expose our children to too much too soon. He also points to other books and wants them banned as well. He claims the books show teens acting immorally and promotes teen sex. I remember being a teenager and I do remember that drinking and sex were part of high school. The children are being exposed to this. This is their life. The books they read are being honest. I know I am full of contradictions. ;)

Again I have not read the book yet but according to everything I have read the book is about a young lady dealing with being raped. The scenes he claims are pornographic are the rape scenes. According to Webster’s the definition of pornography is:  the depiction of erotic behavior (as in pictures or writing) intended to cause sexual excitement.

As someone who has been sexually assaulted I can tell you there is NOTHING sexually exciting or gratifying about rape. If this book can help someone get through that experience and maybe give them some hope then I am all for it! I wish I had been able to find some books when it happened to me.

I am confused as to why people even want to ban books. If you don’t want to read something…don’t. No one is forcing you to sit and read this book. It is not the place of the government or a school district to decide what people should and should not read.  Why take the book away from everyone?

If a parent doesn’t want their child to read a book then they need to talk to their child and let them know why.  There have been many times that I have already had to do this as a parent. My oldest daughter reads like I do. We devour books. When we go to the library she will get 4 books and have all read in less than 2 days.  My husband and I would probably be described as strict and conservative. We are. I am not embarrassed to say this. I would like my daughters to stay young and innocent for as long as possible. Girls grow up too fast as it is (I will probably post about this later).  So there have been many books that I have had her put back explaining that the material is too mature for her right now. She has never argued with me and knows that I am not telling her she can never read the book, just not yet. The Twilight series is good example. I didn’t let her read the first 2 books until just recently and have not let her read the final 2. My husband and I talked about it for a long time and have decided that she can read them after she turns 13. Not that anything explicit happens in them but there is enough sexual tension and mature themes that we felt she needed to wait.

Again we are not telling her she can never read them, just not yet. If a parent is concerned about a book that their child may be reading my best suggestion is to read it first and then make the decision. Don’t let someone else tell you what is right and what is wrong for you and your family.

Sorry for going on but this is unfair and unjust. End rant.

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