You only say that cause no one ever has...

You only say that cause no one ever has...

Monday, September 26, 2011


Man am I worn out!

I have WAYYYY too much going on in my life this month.

My dad will be here in 2 days (yay!), so he can help me go through my brother's stuff (sad).

My mother has moved away (YAY!), now I am dealing with the realtors to get her house sold (boo!).

Working a lot (yay money), working a lot (boo).

I am president of the Booster Club at my daughters' gymnastics school (how did that happen?).

Trying to get myself in shape to run/walk a 5k with my wonderful family including my sister-in-law, getting in shape (yay), sore muscles (boo).  This one isn't too bad. We have until April to get there. The biggest issue is I let myself get out of exercising this summer so the past 2 days have not been fun on my body. Hopefully it will get better.

Saw my grandmother this last month.

I know it will probably be the last time I see her. It was really hard to see her give up. She has always been a really strong person in her own quiet way. Always very active in church life and with her friends.
Now she hasn't left her house in the 4 months that my dad has been staying with her.
I know she is going to be 94 this November and that my grandfather has been gone for almost 6 years, but it breaks my heart to know she will be gone soon.
I think part of it is from losing my brother and knowing that the Miller line is all on me. My dad is the only one who ever had kids and with Matt dying so young and not ever having kids of his own, I'm it. I know that my daughters carry it on but it's still hard. What if none of them have kids? That's it for our line. The Millers will be gone. At this point the name won't even carry on.
Still I am thankful that I got down to Texas and saw her. The biggest regret I have is not going down and seeing my grandpa when he was in the hospital. I was able to have a real goodbye and hug and for all I know she will live for another 10 years and I will get to see her again.

Wow. Ok so this post kind of got away from me. Guess I had more to say about my grandma than I thought.

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