You only say that cause no one ever has...

You only say that cause no one ever has...

Monday, September 26, 2011

Couch to 5K - Day 1

 Ok so I bit the bullet and decided to use C25K.

My sister-in-law tried this awhile back and from what I read on her blog it seemed to work pretty well.

I like that you go at your own pace. Week 2 you're not actually ready for a change? No problem. Keep doing Week 1 workout until you can handle it. The other thing I like about it is that someone is telling me what to do :D There is a schedule. I can follow schedules.

So Week 1 you start with a 5 min warm up walk, then alternate 1 min run and 2 min walk, and finish with another 5 min walk at the end. It is supposed to take 30 minutes but I managed to mess it up and ended up going 35 minutes.
I guess if you're going to mess up it's better to go longer than shorter :)

The best part of this was I made it with no problem. Yeah I was sweating and definitely breathing good BUT I could have gone another 5 to 10 minutes. So as long as Wednesday goes as well I may go ahead and start Week 2 on Friday. I figure I may have more issues with that one.

You are supposed to only do it 3 days a week which I will but I am going to do a mile run/walk on my off days. I am bad about taking one day off and then not going back to it so I need to keep up a routine of doing it EVERY day.

Doing this I will hopefully be ready for the 5k in April. I would love to be able to run the entire time but I will be happy to finish within 40 minutes. Considering I did 2.5 miles in 35 minutes I think it is a good goal!

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